The Spiritual Director's Page

The success of the Legion of Mary has always been attributed to all the priests who have served as its spiritual director. This page is dedicated to all our spiritual directors of today and of the past. If you would like to feature your Spiritual Director (a short bio perhaps or even a copy of his Allocutio, please free to submit it to us. We will do our best to share his life and story to everyone. You can submit it using the form below this page. 

Thank you Father Philip Singarayar, OMI!!!

Dear Brothers and Sisters - on behalf of the Legion of Mary, Oakland Comitium, I would like to express my gratitude to our beloved Spiritual Director for many years. He has decided to pass the spiritual leadership of the army of Mary to Reverend Father Augusto Acob. To try and express in words our love and appreciation of Fr. Philip would be but a futile effort. Therefore,  I just want to let him know from the bottom of our hearts, we thank you and we will miss you. You have taught us well. May Jesus and Our Blessed Mother keep and protect you always. 


Priscilla Abaya, President Oakland Comitium 

WELCOME! Reverend Father Augusto Acob

The Legion  of Mary, Oakland Comitium welcomes with open arms and hearts our new Spiritual Director., Rev. Father Augusto Acob. He is at Saint Michael Parish in Livermore where he is a 'priest in residence.'  Prior to this, he was a Parochial Vicar of Saint Anne Parish in Union City, CA and  held several other assignments in the Diocese of Oakland having been a Chaplain at Washington and Kaiser Hospitals (Fremont) and as a Parochial Vicar at Holy Spirit Parish. He arrived in the United States in 2004 and was ordained to the priesthood on April 13, 1980  at Saint Andrew Parish, Baccarra, under the Diocese of Laoag. Prior to his arrival in the US, he held various assignments in different parishes in the Diocese of Laoag (San Nicolas de Tolentino Parish, Saint Gabriel Parish, Our Lady of Lourdes, Saint Isiodore, to name a few).  Father Augusto is a busy man! In addition to all these, he was a Secretary and President to the Priest's Assembly of the Diocese of Laoag, a member of the Board of Consultors, Superintendent of the Catholic Schools, member of the Presbyterial Council, Liturgy Coordinator and Faith Formation Coordinator.  Born in the Tacloban City (Philippines) to Dr. Primitivo Sales Acob and Eleuteria Tano, Fr. Augusto holds a Bachelors Degree in Philosophy (Sacred Heart Seminary, Palo, Leyte) and Theology  from the Immaculate Conception School of Theology.


I am thankful and glad that at least once a month, I get to gather with you in prayer to show our devotion and love for the Blessed Virgin Mary as the Legion of Mary Organization. I was introduced to this organization at an early age for I was recruited to become a member when I was in the elementary as they established a Junior Presidium in our school in the Philippines. I love the Blessed Virgin Mary. I have experienced and received her faithful maternal care for me. The many times I asked for her intercession, almost all the time, God answered them and granted them. I am always reminded of the Wedding Feast at Cana where Jesus showed that He cannot say ‘NO’ to His mother. Somebody said that if you want your prayers to be answered, ask God through His Blessed Mother. I feel closed to the Blessed Mother, and I look at her as my heavenly mother who really cares for me personally. I love her because I always tell myself and every time I have the opportunity to tell anyone that ‘if we love our Lord Jesus Christ, we cannot but love everyone that Jesus loves. And since our Lord Jesus loves His Blessed Mother very much, if would be unthinkable if we do not to love her and be devoted to Her also. We will be inconsistent in our belief in Jesus Christ if we do not include a profound respect, love, and devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary! Devotion to her means making her our paradigm and model in living out our Christian Faith. Like her, let us always give our ‘yes’ to the Lord. Like her, let us always ‘ponder everything in our heart’ everything that God sends, and wills in our lives every day. Like her, let us become Jesus’ first and foremost disciples. And since she is the Immaculate Conception, let us ask God to help us avoid sin, and remain pure and humble. Lastly, like her, let us remain in Christ and always be with the Blessed Mother even if it is in Calvary! In Calvary, the first sacrifice of the mass was celebrated. May our love for the Blessed Mother Mary also inspire us to love the Holy Eucharist. If we are truly members of the Legion of Mary, then we ought to go to mass at least every Sunday and receive the BODY, BLOOD, SOUL, and DIVINITY of our Lord Jesus Christ at Holy Communion. Our devotion will never be complete if it would not lead us to Sunday Mass. May God continue to inspire us to remain in the Legion of Mary; may He give us the perseverance, the patience, and continue to rekindle our hearts to find meaning in our devotion, and to discover how relevant this devotion is in order for our faith to grow deeper, and stronger. So it is a privilege on my part to journey with you as a Legion of Mary member and your spiritual director.

To Jesus Through Mary!